My life at Bühler

Nancy Liu

Value Stream and Supply Chain Manager, China

My life at Bühler

Nancy Liu

Value Stream and Supply Chain Manager, China

“I am deeply impressed with Bühler’s scientific approach to management. It helps young employees like me to work efficiently and develop our careers and ourselves.”




I joined Bühler in 2008 as a university student. I started as a Sales Assistant, processing orders and helping with sales and foreign trade. Three years later, I coordinated and oversaw logistics in Xian, before I then became a Value Stream and Supply Chain Manager.

What do you do in your job?

I am a Value Stream Manager for plansifters and a Supply Chain Manager. This is a very varied role. I develop our relationships with suppliers, oversee procurement, achieve efficiency gains, control costs and process orders. I really enjoy that my job connects me with very diverse people working in different fields.

What did you study?

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in English from the Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. Additionally, I recently completed an MBA while working at Bühler.

What do you like about your job?

I like the fact that we keep learning at Bühler. I think there is no better way to have a good career than to keep thinking and learning.

The company is quick to develop new products, which means that we need to keep thinking quickly, too. We are always considering how we can work more efficiently and how we can better plan ahead in order to be successful. 

What would you like to do next?

I would like to stay for another ten or twenty years. It has been a great decade so far developing my career and myself here at Bühler. So I hope to have even more time here to meet new people, work on challenging projects and see our business grow further.



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