Mycotoxin reduction

Reducing the risk

Mycotoxin reduction

Reducing the risk

Mycotoxins are naturally occurring by-products of the metabolism of molds, and their presence in the raw materials used for making food and feed is a major global health risk. One particularly vulnerable crop is grain, and as mold thrives in warm, humid conditions, this is a problem that will worsen with the effects of climate change.

The mycotoxins most frequently found in grain are aflatoxin – exposure to which can stunt child growth and cause liver cancer –  deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone, fumonisins and ergot alkaloids. All can be harmful to human or animal health.


Mycotoxin numbers

or less contamination
Of all agricultural raw materials with mycotoxins
millions people
Worldwide at risk of exposure to aflatoxin, the most dangerous of the mycotoxins.
Aflatoxin contamination rates in maize using LumoVision.

Cutting contamination

Even in low concentrations, mycotoxins can have a toxic effect on humans and animals. This means contaminated kernels need to be removed as early as possible, as even a few can render a batch unfit. Our range of solutions to address this growing challenge covers grain drying and cleaning, safe material storage and cutting-edge sorting technologies.

We offer integrated process solutions for effective mycotoxin reduction across the entire value chain. Our focus is on the highly efficient removal of mold-infested grains and fractions, based on their gravity or optical properties. Our sample collectors and separator classifiers help to accurately assess mycotoxin content in incoming deliveries, then remove impurities and low-density particles through efficient pre-cleaning. Our high-capacity grain cleaners remove matter likely to be contaminated by mycotoxins, such as light, broken and shriveled kernels, while our Sortex optical sorter can identify and separate grains with visual mold signatures.

LumoVision, meanwhile, is an optical sorting solution on our cutting-edge Bühler Insights platform. It can identify and sort corn contaminated with aflatoxin faster and more accurately than ever, using hyperspectral cameras and an LED-based UV lighting system. Once a contaminated kernel has been identified, air nozzles blow it out of the product stream. LumoVision reduces yield loss to less than 5% and was described by Forbes as a ‘remarkable new technology’.

Finally, our scourers and degerminators ensure highly efficient surface cleaning and substantially reduce any mold adhering to the grain surfaces.

Bühler has built a truly revolutionary and inspiring piece of technology, not only for the food industry but for the manufacturing industry on so many levels.

Çağlayan Arkan,
General Manager of Manufacturing & Resources, Microsoft

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